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 13/02/2009 italian fireball

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4 partecipanti

Numero di messaggi : 5
Età : 53
Località : france
Data d'iscrizione : 25.02.09

13/02/2009 italian fireball Empty
MessaggioTitolo: 13/02/2009 italian fireball   13/02/2009 italian fireball Icon_minitimeMer Feb 25, 2009 7:19 pm

Hi everybody,

We are a small group of french meteor observers, being a part of the astronomy club Quasar95 (near Paris). We downloaded, on internet, the pictures of the meteor of 13/02/2009 made by Diego Valeri and by Ferruccio Zanotti. We made measurement on both pictures and we calculated falling points corresponding to meteorites of 3kg, 0.3kg and 0.03kg (if they exist).

Here is the report and the Google Earth map, we made on the fall.

The report is in French, but I think you could read and use it. The measurement made on these pictures are little precise. If you can give us more precise measures (done with ufoanalyser for exemple), we could calculate of better falling points...

I hope this report can help you to find a new meteorite.

Best regard,

Patrick Sogorb
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Numero di messaggi : 1252
Località : Lazio- Abruzzo
Data d'iscrizione : 09.01.09

13/02/2009 italian fireball Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: 13/02/2009 italian fireball   13/02/2009 italian fireball Icon_minitimeMer Feb 25, 2009 7:33 pm

Hello Patrick, Diego here

I'm sending the coordinates of great fireball!

See you soon
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Numero di messaggi : 5
Età : 53
Località : france
Data d'iscrizione : 25.02.09

13/02/2009 italian fireball Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: 13/02/2009 italian fireball   13/02/2009 italian fireball Icon_minitimeGio Feb 26, 2009 6:45 am

Hello Diego,

Thanks for the acceuil. As you can see, we're computing not only the bright flight, but also the dark flight. We are taking into account of atmospherique breaking and even Coriolis force. The only think we do not compute, is the wind. Car you say us if there were wind the 13/02/2009 at 20h03?

I saw that a meteorite chase was organised on Sunday. But, as I can't read Italian, I don't understand were it was. Was it near that the prospecting aera that we computed?

Patrick Sogorb
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Numero di messaggi : 35
Località : Roma
Data d'iscrizione : 06.01.09

13/02/2009 italian fireball Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: 13/02/2009 italian fireball   13/02/2009 italian fireball Icon_minitimeGio Feb 26, 2009 8:13 am

pss ha scritto:
Hello Diego,

Thanks for the acceuil. As you can see, we're computing not only the bright flight, but also the dark flight. We are taking into account of atmospherique breaking and even Coriolis force. The only think we do not compute, is the wind. Car you say us if there were wind the 13/02/2009 at 20h03?

I saw that a meteorite chase was organised on Sunday. But, as I can't read Italian, I don't understand were it was. Was it near that the prospecting aera that we computed?

Patrick Sogorb

Hi Patrick,
I am Roberto Haver and have organized the shipment 22 Sunday February.
As search zone I have used that calculating from Diego that it is approximately between the country of Calcata and Rignano Sabino. But we were alone 17 persons and we have controlled an area only 15%.
However welcome on the forum and I hope that you can come other times with others here your friends.
You will be the welcomes!
We will be able to collaborate between we and you.
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Numero di messaggi : 5
Età : 53
Località : france
Data d'iscrizione : 25.02.09

13/02/2009 italian fireball Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: 13/02/2009 italian fireball   13/02/2009 italian fireball Icon_minitimeGio Feb 26, 2009 10:13 am


We’re very happy to collaborate with you. The meteorite chase’s place is very interesting: It seems that the fall point calculated by Diego is very different than ours. But we have not precise measurements on videos. We are still waiting them. We’ll make a new calculations with better measurements and perhaps we’ll find the same fall point than Diego…

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Ferruccio Zanotti
Ferruccio Zanotti

Numero di messaggi : 3863
Età : 53
Località : Ferrara
Data d'iscrizione : 07.01.09

13/02/2009 italian fireball Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: 13/02/2009 italian fireball   13/02/2009 italian fireball Icon_minitimeGio Feb 26, 2009 12:14 pm

Hi Patrick,

welcome in Italian Meteor and TLE Network, and very thanks for your contribution.

if you and your group used ufocapture you can send in this forum your tables for analysis.

we would like to make this international forum for ufocapture station, and call the forum: International Meteor and TLE Network

Sorry for my bad english.


Ferruccio Zanotti
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Numero di messaggi : 1252
Località : Lazio- Abruzzo
Data d'iscrizione : 09.01.09

13/02/2009 italian fireball Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Informations on Bright Italian Fireball 13.02.2009   13/02/2009 italian fireball Icon_minitimeGio Feb 26, 2009 12:35 pm


We send you the email with coordinate informations, at 12.31 U.T.!

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Numero di messaggi : 35
Località : Roma
Data d'iscrizione : 06.01.09

13/02/2009 italian fireball Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: 13/02/2009 italian fireball   13/02/2009 italian fireball Icon_minitimeGio Feb 26, 2009 12:47 pm

pss ha scritto:

We’re very happy to collaborate with you. The meteorite chase’s place is very interesting: It seems that the fall point calculated by Diego is very different than ours. But we have not precise measurements on videos. We are still waiting them. We’ll make a new calculations with better measurements and perhaps we’ll find the same fall point than Diego…


Which type of program used in order to record meteors?
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Numero di messaggi : 5
Età : 53
Località : france
Data d'iscrizione : 25.02.09

13/02/2009 italian fireball Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: 13/02/2009 italian fireball   13/02/2009 italian fireball Icon_minitimeGio Feb 26, 2009 8:00 pm

Zanotti and Valeri's data well received. We are in calculation mode scratch

Our team is very young (about one year). There are 6 guys and only 4 camera (but 6 camera in few months). For videos capture, we use the same software than everybody, but we make ourself the videos analysis and the trajectory calculation (with home made matlab applications). I was never able to use ufoanalyser, it is to difficult Evil or Very Mad

Our trajectory computation is very young, and still in developpement.

You ca see somes of my videos captures here:

Patrick Sogorb
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Numero di messaggi : 1252
Località : Lazio- Abruzzo
Data d'iscrizione : 09.01.09

13/02/2009 italian fireball Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: 13/02/2009 italian fireball   13/02/2009 italian fireball Icon_minitimeDom Mar 01, 2009 6:02 pm

Nice web site, Patrick! Amazing Fireballs! cheers

Here's a image of orbit fireball, on 13rd February 2009, at 20.03.29 T.U.

The second one's average orbit!

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Ferruccio Zanotti
Ferruccio Zanotti

Numero di messaggi : 3863
Età : 53
Località : Ferrara
Data d'iscrizione : 07.01.09

13/02/2009 italian fireball Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: 13/02/2009 italian fireball   13/02/2009 italian fireball Icon_minitimeDom Mar 01, 2009 11:53 pm

Very good image!!!

With webcam very interesting..

Ferruccio Zanotti
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Numero di messaggi : 5
Età : 53
Località : france
Data d'iscrizione : 25.02.09

13/02/2009 italian fireball Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: 13/02/2009 italian fireball   13/02/2009 italian fireball Icon_minitimeMar Mar 03, 2009 7:31 pm

Ciao a touti,

This week-end, we made somes new measurements from Diego and Ferruccio videos. We have computed a new trajectory and a new fall place. You can see it by open this file:

into Google Earth. I must say that we're not agree with Diego fall place. Diego and us are locking for why we don't computed the same fall place...

Patrick Sogorb
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Numero di messaggi : 1252
Località : Lazio- Abruzzo
Data d'iscrizione : 09.01.09

13/02/2009 italian fireball Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: 13/02/2009 italian fireball   13/02/2009 italian fireball Icon_minitimeMar Mar 03, 2009 9:17 pm

Well, Patrick

Thanks for Google Earth file! But there's a question about your video interpolations: what are the coordinates did you use? My web video file is bad quality. Tho original video is 119 Mb in AVI format, instead that one is about 1.6 Mb in MPEG-4!!!! The coordinates, that we send you last weekend, get to original files, from start point single frame to final point, always from video streaming...

The Dubyago's algorithm couldn't work good, with parallax angles too small! We have 7 methods to calcalate trajectory and orbits, and there are some differents results for initial point, inclination of track and inclination of orbit!! Your date confirm this range of variance! Rolling Eyes

Regards cheers

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13/02/2009 italian fireball Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: 13/02/2009 italian fireball   13/02/2009 italian fireball Icon_minitime

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13/02/2009 italian fireball
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