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 Video Meteor Observations from Southern California 2011-02-06 UT

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Robert Lunsford

Numero di messaggi : 41
Località : San Diego, CA USA
Data d'iscrizione : 04.12.09

Video Meteor Observations from Southern California 2011-02-06 UT Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Video Meteor Observations from Southern California 2011-02-06 UT   Video Meteor Observations from Southern California 2011-02-06 UT Icon_minitimeLun Feb 07, 2011 6:27 pm

The weather conditions continue to deteriorate as a front passes to the north. The evening hours had patches of low clouds
interfering with observations, especially between 6-8UT (10pm-12am PST). After 10UT (2am PST) the sky became completely overcast and
observations were stopped. Only five meteors were recorded, nothing noteworthy.

Bob Lunsford

February 6, 2011

0223-0300 UT Teff 0.62 FOV 075 +50 TOTAL 00 SPO 00 ANT 00 ACE -- PIH -
0300-0400 UT Teff 1.00 FOV 085 +50 TOTAL 00 SPO 00 ANT 00 ACE -- PIH -
0400-0500 UT Teff 1.00 FOV 100 +50 TOTAL 01 SPO 01 ANT 00 ACE -- PIH -
0500-0600 UT Teff 1.00 FOV 115 +50 TOTAL 01 SPO 01 ANT 00 ACE -- PIH -
0600-0700 UT Teff 1.00 FOV 130 +50 TOTAL 00 SPO 00 ANT 00 ACE -- PIH -
0700-0800 UT Teff 1.00 FOV 145 +50 TOTAL 00 SPO 00 ANT 00 ACE -- PIH 00
0800-0900 UT Teff 1.00 FOV 160 +50 TOTAL 01 SPO 00 ANT 01 ACE -- PIH 00
0900-1000 UT Teff 1.00 FOV 175 +50 TOTAL 02 SPO 02 ANT 00 ACE -- PIH 00

TOTALS Teff 7.62 METEORS 05 SPO 04 ANT 01 ACE 00 PIH 00

The moon (+0.10) set at 04:04 UT

Universal Time (UT) = PST+8 hrs
Teff = Effective observing time in hours
FOV = Center of camera's Field Of View
SPO = Sporadic (random) meteors
ANT = Antihelions
ACE = Alpha Centaurids
PIH = Pi Hydrids
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Video Meteor Observations from Southern California 2011-02-06 UT
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