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 Journal of Geophysical Research e TLE

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Renzo Cabassi

Renzo Cabassi

Numero di messaggi : 958
Località : Imola (BO)
Data d'iscrizione : 07.01.09

Journal of Geophysical Research e TLE Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Journal of Geophysical Research e TLE   Journal of Geophysical Research e TLE Icon_minitimeGio Ott 22, 2009 6:51 pm

Effects of Thunderstorms and Lightning in the Upper Atmosphere
Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 114, no. , 2009
Guest Editor(s): D. Sentman

Questa sezione speciale del Journal of Geophysical Research, Space Physics, comprende documenti presentati nel corso della AGU Chapman Conference "Effetti di temporali e fulmini nell'alta atmosfera", svoltasi il 10-14 maggio 2009 presso la Penn State University, USA, e altri contributi rilevanti per il soggetto della conferenza di recente pubblicati in JGR Space Physics.
La sezione speciale copre argomenti attraverso l'intero spettro delle discipline pertinenti al tema.

Carlson, B.E., N. G. Lehtinen, and U. S. Inan (2009),
Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flash Production by Lightning Current Pulses
J. Geophys. Res., doi:10.1029/2009JA014531

Colman, J. J., R. A. Roussel-Dupre, and L. Triplett (2009),
Temporally Self-Similar Electron Distribution Functions in Atmospheric Breakdown: the Thermal Runaway Regime
J. Geophys. Res., doi:10.1029/2009JA014509

Dwyer, J. R. (2009),
Diffusion of relativistic runaway electrons and implications for lightning initiation
J. Geophys. Res., doi:10.1029/2009JA014504

Fullekrug, M., R. A. Roussel-Dupre, E. M. D. Symbalisty, O. Chanrion, A. Odzimek, O. Van der Velde, and T. Neubert (2009),
Relativistic Runaway Breakdown in Low Frequency Radio,
J. Geophys. Res., doi:10.1029/2009JA014468

Haldoupis, C., Á. Mika, and S. Shalimov (2009),
Modeling the relaxation of early VLF perturbations associated with transient luminous events,
J. Geophys. Res., 114, A00E04, doi:10.1029/2009JA014313

Kelley, M. C., and B. H. Barnum (2009),
An explanation for parallel electric field pulses observed over thunderstorms,
J. Geophys. Res., doi:10.1029/2008JA013921

Liu, N., V. P. Pasko, H. U. Frey, S. B. Mende, H. Su, A. B. Chen, R. Hsu, and L. Lee (2009),
Assessment of sprite initiating electric fields and quenching altitude of a1Πg state of N2 using sprite streamer modeling and ISUAL spectrophotometric measurements,
J. Geophys. Res., 114, A00E02, doi:10.1029/2008JA013735

Liu, N. Y., V. P. Pasko, K. Adams, H. C. Stenbaek-Nielsen, and M. G. McHarg (2009),
Comparison of acceleration, expansion, and brightness of sprite streamers obtained from modeling and high-speed video observations,
J. Geophys. Res., 114, A00E03, doi:10.1029/2008JA013720

Marisaldi, M., F. Fuschino, C. Labanti, M. Galli, F. Longo, E. Del Monte, G. Barbiellini, M. Tavani, A. Giuliani, E. Moretti, S. Vercellone, E. Costa, S. Cutini, I. Donnarumma, Y. Evangelista, M. Feroci, I. Lapshov, F. Lazzarotto, P. Lipari, S. Mereghetti, L. Pacciani, M. Rapisarda, P. Soffitta, M. Trifoglio, A. Argan, F. Boffelli, A. Bulgarelli, P. Caraveo, P. W. Cattaneo, A. Chen, V. cocco, F. D'Ammando, G. De Paris, G. Di Cocco, G. Di Persio, A. Ferrari, M. Fiorini, T. Froysland, F. Gianotti, A. Morselli, A. Pellizzoni, F. Perotti, P. Picozza, G. Piano, M. Pilia, M. Prest, G. Pucella, A. Rappoldi, A. Rubini, S. Sabatini, E. Striani, A. Trois, A. Vallazza, V. Vittorini, A. Zambra, D. Zanello, L. A. Antonelli, S. Colafrancesco, D. Gasparrini, P. Giommi, C. Pittori, B. Preger, P. Santolamazza, F. Verrecchia, and L. Salotti (2009),
Detection of Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes up to 40 MeV by the AGILE satellite,
J. Geophys. Res., doi:10.1029/2009JA014502

Martin, I. M., and M. A. Alves (2009),
Observation of a Possible Neutron Burst Associated With a Lightning Discharge,
J. Geophys. Res., doi:10.1029/2009JA014498

Peterson, H., M. Bailey, J. Hallett, and W. Beasley (2009),
NOx Production in Laboratory Discharges Simulating Blue Jets and Red Sprites,
J. Geophys. Res., doi:10.1029/2009JA014489

Riousset, J. A., V. P. Pasko, P. Krehbiel, W. Rison, and M. Stanley (2009),
Modeling of thundercloud screening charges: Implications for blue and gigantic jets,
J. Geophys. Res., doi:10.1029/2009JA014286

Stenbaek-Nielsen, H. C., R. Haaland, M. G. McHarg, B. A. Hensley, and T. Kanmae (2009),
Sprite Initiation Altitude Measured by Triangulation,
J. Geophys. Res., doi:10.1029/2009JA014543

Thomas, J. N., B. H. Barnum, E. Lay, R. H. Holzworth, M. Cho, and M. C. Kelley (2008),
Lightning-driven electric fields measured in the lower ionosphere: Implications for transient luminous events,
J. Geophys. Res., 113, A12306, doi:10.1029/2008JA013567

Vlasov, M. N., and M. C. Kelley (2009),
Electron heating and airglow emission due to lightning effects on the ionosphere,
J. Geophys. Res., doi:10.1029/2008JA013922
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