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 Video Observations from Southern CA USA, December 15, 2009

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3 partecipanti
Robert Lunsford

Numero di messaggi : 41
Località : San Diego, CA USA
Data d'iscrizione : 04.12.09

Video Observations  from Southern CA USA, December 15, 2009 Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Video Observations from Southern CA USA, December 15, 2009   Video Observations  from Southern CA USA, December 15, 2009 Icon_minitimeMar Dic 15, 2009 8:54 pm

After a week of clouds and rain the sky finally cleared. There was still a thin layer of high clouds which seemed to affect the
sporadic count more than any of the showers. At 11:51:20 UT (3:51:20 am PST) a Sigma Hydrid fireball estimated at magnitude
-7 was captured in the northeastern sky passing just east of the Big Dipper.

Bob Lunsford

December 15, 2009

0144-0300 UT Teff 1.27 FOV 020 +55 TOTAL 00 SPO 00 ANT 00 COM -- DLM -- GEM 00 HYD -- MON --
0300-0400 UT Teff 1.00 FOV 040 +55 TOTAL 02 SPO 01 ANT 01 COM -- DLM -- GEM 00 HYD -- MON 00
0400-0500 UT Teff 1.00 FOV 055 +55 TOTAL 02 SPO 00 ANT 00 COM -- DLM -- GEM 02 HYD -- MON 00
0500-0600 UT Teff 1.00 FOV 070 +55 TOTAL 02 SPO 02 ANT 00 COM -- DLM 00 GEM 00 HYD 00 MON 00
0600-0700 UT Teff 1.00 FOV 085 +55 TOTAL 05 SPO 02 ANT 01 COM -- DLM 00 GEM 02 HYD 00 MON 00
0700-0800 UT Teff 1.00 FOV 100 +55 TOTAL 05 SPO 01 ANT 01 COM 00 DLM 01 GEM 02 HYD 00 MON 00
0800-0900 UT Teff 1.00 FOV 115 +55 TOTAL 05 SPO 00 ANT 02 COM 00 DLM 01 GEM 01 HYD 00 MON 01
0900-1000 UT Teff 1.00 FOV 130 +55 TOTAL 08 SPO 03 ANT 00 COM 00 DLM 01 GEM 02 HYD 02 MON 00
1000-1100 UT Teff 1.00 FOV 145 +55 TOTAL 09 SPO 04 ANT 00 COM 01 DLM 01 GEM 02 HYD 01 MON 00
1100-1200 UT Teff 1.00 FOV 160 +55 TOTAL 13 SPO 04 ANT 01 COM 01 DLM 01 GEM 04 HYD 02 MON 00
1200-1300 UT Teff 1.00 FOV 175 +55 TOTAL 12 SPO 10 ANT 00 COM 00 DLM 02 GEM 00 HYD 00 MON 00
1300-1344 UT Teff 0.73 FOV 185 +55 TOTAL 08 SPO 06 ANT 00 COM 00 DLM 00 GEM 01 HYD 00 MON 01

TOTALS Teff 12.00 TOTAL 71 SPO 33 ANT 06 COM 02 DLM 07 GEM 16 HYD 05 MON 02

The moon (-0.01%) was not visible during this session

Universal Time (UT) = PST+8 hrs
Teff = Effective observing time in hours
FOV = Center of camera's Field Of View
SPO = Sporadic (random) meteors
ANT = Antihelions
COM = Coma Berenicids
DAD = Alpha Draconids
DLM = December Leonis Minorids
GEM = Geminids
HYD = Sigma Hydrids
MON = Monocerotids
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Nico Montigiani
Nico Montigiani

Numero di messaggi : 1500
Località : Firenze
Data d'iscrizione : 06.01.09

Video Observations  from Southern CA USA, December 15, 2009 Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: Video Observations from Southern CA USA, December 15, 2009   Video Observations  from Southern CA USA, December 15, 2009 Icon_minitimeMar Dic 15, 2009 9:22 pm

Thank you Robert for the report.

Sorry for my english, but I've a question for you.

Do you know if someone in your group is recording and analyzing some meteor spectrum?
We are testing that ( ), so maybe it's interesting to make a swap of informations and experiences.

Nico M.
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Ferruccio Zanotti
Ferruccio Zanotti

Numero di messaggi : 3863
Età : 52
Località : Ferrara
Data d'iscrizione : 07.01.09

Video Observations  from Southern CA USA, December 15, 2009 Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: Video Observations from Southern CA USA, December 15, 2009   Video Observations  from Southern CA USA, December 15, 2009 Icon_minitimeMer Dic 16, 2009 8:56 pm

Welcome Robert,

thanks for report,

that camera and lens and software do you use?

We could standardize our reports to exchange and compare them easily.

Best Regards

Ferruccio Zanotti
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Robert Lunsford

Numero di messaggi : 41
Località : San Diego, CA USA
Data d'iscrizione : 04.12.09

Video Observations  from Southern CA USA, December 15, 2009 Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: Video Observations from Southern CA USA, December 15, 2009   Video Observations  from Southern CA USA, December 15, 2009 Icon_minitimeMer Dic 16, 2009 9:35 pm


Your English is much better than my Italian Wink

You should contact Mr. Ed Majden at

He has been working with meteor spectrums for many years. Also visit his web site at:

I hope this helps!

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Robert Lunsford

Numero di messaggi : 41
Località : San Diego, CA USA
Data d'iscrizione : 04.12.09

Video Observations  from Southern CA USA, December 15, 2009 Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: Video Observations from Southern CA USA, December 15, 2009   Video Observations  from Southern CA USA, December 15, 2009 Icon_minitimeMer Dic 16, 2009 9:44 pm


I use an intensified video camera consisting of an external Nikon 50mm F1.4 lens, an Abex Grade A X1332 Gen II intensifier, and finally a PC164C NTSC video camera equipped with a 2.7-13.5 F1.3 Fujinon lens. This allows me to see stars near magnitude +6.0 from dark sky sites with a field of view of near 60 degrees. I use MetRec V4.1 for processing my data. A great majority of my observations are from my backyard located in suburban San Diego, CA USA. The limiting magnitude from this site is usually 4.5 - 5.0. I am usually able to obtain data on an average of 200 nights annually.

I hope this helps!

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Nico Montigiani
Nico Montigiani

Numero di messaggi : 1500
Località : Firenze
Data d'iscrizione : 06.01.09

Video Observations  from Southern CA USA, December 15, 2009 Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: Video Observations from Southern CA USA, December 15, 2009   Video Observations  from Southern CA USA, December 15, 2009 Icon_minitimeGio Dic 17, 2009 1:15 pm

Robert Lunsford ha scritto:

Your English is much better than my Italian Wink

You should contact Mr. Ed Majden at

He has been working with meteor spectrums for many years. Also visit his web site at:

I hope this helps!


Thank you Robert.
I hope that Mr. Ed Majden give us an opinion about our meteor spectral analisys showed on this forum.

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Video Observations  from Southern CA USA, December 15, 2009 Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: Video Observations from Southern CA USA, December 15, 2009   Video Observations  from Southern CA USA, December 15, 2009 Icon_minitime

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Video Observations from Southern CA USA, December 15, 2009
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