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 Video Observations from Southern CA USA, January 2, 2010

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Robert Lunsford

Numero di messaggi : 41
Località : San Diego, CA USA
Data d'iscrizione : 04.12.09

Video Observations  from Southern CA USA, January 2, 2010 Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Video Observations from Southern CA USA, January 2, 2010   Video Observations  from Southern CA USA, January 2, 2010 Icon_minitimeSab Gen 02, 2010 6:01 pm

After a cloudy day the clouds began thinning during the evening hours. I was able to start the camera shortly after 2300 PST. Skies
remained clear the remainder of the night. Morning meteor activity was significantly weaker than what was observed on the previous
night. Despite being only one day before maximum, the Quadrantids are barely showing any signs of life.

Bob Lunsford
San Diego, CA USA

January 2, 2010

0720-0800 UT Teff 0.67 FOV 110 +55 TOTAL 01 SPO 01 ANT 00 AHY 00 DLM 00 JLE 00 QUA 00
0800-0900 UT Teff 1.00 FOV 120 +55 TOTAL 01 SPO 00 ANT 00 AHY 00 DLM 00 JLE 00 QUA 01
0900-1000 UT Teff 1.00 FOV 135 +55 TOTAL 01 SPO 01 ANT 00 AHY 00 DLM 00 JLE 00 QUA 00
1000-1100 UT Teff 1.00 FOV 150 +55 TOTAL 03 SPO 03 ANT 00 AHY 00 DLM 00 JLE 00 QUA 00
1100-1200 UT Teff 1.00 FOV 165 +55 TOTAL 08 SPO 06 ANT 00 AHY 00 DLM 02 JLE 00 QUA 00
1200-1300 UT Teff 1.00 FOV 180 +55 TOTAL 05 SPO 04 ANT 00 AHY 00 DLM 01 JLE 00 QUA 00
1300-1352 UT Teff 0.87 FOV 190 +55 TOTAL 01 SPO 01 ANT 00 AHY 00 DLM 00 JLE 00 QUA 00

TOTALS Teff 6.54 TOTAL 20 SPO 16 ANT 00 AHY 00 DLM 03 JLE 00 QUA 01
Jan 1 Totals Teff 11.82 TOTAL 39 SPO 33 ANT 02 AHY 03 DLM 00 JLE 00 QUA 01

The moon (-0.96%) was above the horizon during the entire session.

Universal Time (UT) = PST+8 hrs
Teff = Effective observing time in hours
FOV = Center of camera's Field Of View
SPO = Sporadic (random) meteors
ANT = Antihelions
AHY = Alpha Hydrids
DLM = December Leonis Minorids
JLE = January Leonids
QUA = Quadrantids
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Video Observations from Southern CA USA, January 2, 2010
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