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 Gigantic jet captured by Italian Meteor and TLE Network

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4 partecipanti
Renzo Cabassi

Renzo Cabassi

Numero di messaggi : 958
Località : Imola (BO)
Data d'iscrizione : 07.01.09

Gigantic jet captured by Italian Meteor and TLE Network Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Gigantic jet captured by Italian Meteor and TLE Network   Gigantic jet captured by Italian Meteor and TLE Network Icon_minitimeMar Dic 15, 2009 9:21 am
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Ferruccio Zanotti
Ferruccio Zanotti

Numero di messaggi : 3863
Età : 52
Località : Ferrara
Data d'iscrizione : 07.01.09

Gigantic jet captured by Italian Meteor and TLE Network Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: Gigantic jet captured by Italian Meteor and TLE Network   Gigantic jet captured by Italian Meteor and TLE Network Icon_minitimeMer Dic 16, 2009 5:53 pm

talk about it here too:

Best Regards

Ferruccio Zanotti
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Numero di messaggi : 1
Località : Tokyo Japan
Data d'iscrizione : 16.12.09

Gigantic jet captured by Italian Meteor and TLE Network Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: Gigantic jet captured by Italian Meteor and TLE Network   Gigantic jet captured by Italian Meteor and TLE Network Icon_minitimeGio Dic 17, 2009 1:23 am

Hi Ferruccio and all
I am the author of UFOCapture.
Congratulations on this great capture Shocked .

The figures below are my result of UFOAnalyzerV2 analysis on Ferruccio's clip.
There are 30 stars on the clip. The star matching was well enough.
The average direction measurement error of stars is only 0.029 degree for 30 stars.

The table in the second figure shows the azimuth and elevation angle for each numbered direction.

The third figure shows the event location using an assumption of the top altitude is 95km.
95km is the value got from our experience on past gigantic event.
If there is another simultaneous observation, it will be far accurate.

Anyway, this is wonderful and impressive by all means.

Best regards
Gigantic jet captured by Italian Meteor and TLE Network Measur11
Gigantic jet captured by Italian Meteor and TLE Network M2009111
Gigantic jet captured by Italian Meteor and TLE Network Gmap9511
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Nico Montigiani
Nico Montigiani

Numero di messaggi : 1500
Località : Firenze
Data d'iscrizione : 06.01.09

Gigantic jet captured by Italian Meteor and TLE Network Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: Gigantic jet captured by Italian Meteor and TLE Network   Gigantic jet captured by Italian Meteor and TLE Network Icon_minitimeGio Dic 17, 2009 1:00 pm

SonotaCo ha scritto:
Hi Ferruccio and all
I am the author of UFOCapture....

Hi SonotaCo, you are welcome in the IMTN forum.
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Gigantic jet captured by Italian Meteor and TLE Network Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: Gigantic jet captured by Italian Meteor and TLE Network   Gigantic jet captured by Italian Meteor and TLE Network Icon_minitime

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Gigantic jet captured by Italian Meteor and TLE Network
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