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 Video Meteor Observations from Southern California 2011-02-03 UT

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Robert Lunsford

Numero di messaggi : 41
Località : San Diego, CA USA
Data d'iscrizione : 04.12.09

Video Meteor Observations from Southern California 2011-02-03 UT Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Video Meteor Observations from Southern California 2011-02-03 UT   Video Meteor Observations from Southern California 2011-02-03 UT Icon_minitimeVen Feb 04, 2011 10:57 pm

This was a rather forgettable session. First of all, I fell asleep before dusk and did not wake until just before 10pm PST (0600
UT). When checking the results for February 3rd the following evening, I was baffled as to why no activity was recorded after 2:40
PST (10:40 UT). When I started the camera for the next night's session, it became clear. There was no power to the camera. A quick
inspection revealed the cause. Some creature had chewed the power cord in half on the morning of the 3rd. There were bite marks on
the cord where it was closest to the ground. Thus I had lost three hours of clear sky plus another opportunity to try to record more
ACE activity. Luckily I had a spare cord available and after a short delay, the session for February 4th was started. But that is
another story...

Bob Lunsford

February 3, 2011

0558-0700 UT Teff 1.03 FOV 125 +50 TOTAL 01 SPO 00 ANT 01 ACE -- DLE 00
0700-0800 UT Teff 1.00 FOV 140 +50 TOTAL 02 SPO 02 ANT 00 ACE -- DLE 00
0800-0900 UT Teff 1.00 FOV 155 +50 TOTAL 03 SPO 02 ANT 01 ACE -- DLE 00
0900-1000 UT Teff 1.00 FOV 170 +50 TOTAL 04 SPO 03 ANT 01 ACE -- DLE 00
1000-1040 UT Teff 0.67 FOV 180 +50 TOTAL 03 SPO 03 ANT 00 ACE -- DLE 00

TOTALS Teff 4.67 TOTAL 13 SPO 10 ANT 03 ACE 00 DLE 00

The moon was not visible during this session

Universal Time (UT) = PST+8 hrs
Teff = Effective observing time in hours
FOV = Center of camera's Field Of View
SPO = Sporadic (random) meteors
ANT = Antihelions
ACE = Alpha Centaurids
DLE = December Leonis Minorids
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Video Meteor Observations from Southern California 2011-02-03 UT
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