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 Piatra NeamtIMTN Stations - Romania Alfredo Caronia

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Numero di messaggi : 220
Età : 75
Località : astrofilo italiano residente in Romania
Data d'iscrizione : 04.10.10

Piatra NeamtIMTN Stations - Romania Alfredo Caronia  Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Piatra NeamtIMTN Stations - Romania Alfredo Caronia    Piatra NeamtIMTN Stations - Romania Alfredo Caronia  Icon_minitimeDom Feb 14, 2016 11:26 am

Hello everyone ! I'm Italian, my name is Alfredo Caronia from several years IMTN member and now also member of Edmond network! My workstations are IMTN stations operating in Romania - Piatra Neamt _ Long East 26.3927, 46.9264 lat North -! My first triangulation with Ukrainian friends dates back to September 29, 2014!
I insert the Ukrainian database link on the meteors with my monthly csv files of the year 2015 and 2016, shortly reserving to enter the data of my triangulations! just search under "Alfredo" by selecting the check! It does not need password!  

Note:-to find my stations, select NEAMT IMTN WA or NEAMT IMTN W2 or NEAMT IMTN MI under "Cam's" ,
       - the main Ukrainian station with which I work is Khmelnitsk ;                                                                

Fast meteors and clear skies!

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Piatra NeamtIMTN Stations - Romania Alfredo Caronia
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